We verify each listing to ensure that not having the same plug-ins will not significantly alter the track.
Instruments: Diva 1.4.4, Serum 1.368, Labs Soft Piano and Glass Piano, Brainworx bx_oberhausen Effects: The Glue, Kickstart, Ozone Imager 2, Invisible Limiter, Endless Smile, Gem Dopamine, PanCake2, Crystallizer, Decapitator, PSP VintageWarmer 2, PSP Saturator, Amp Room, MVibrato, FabFilter Pro-C 2, FabFilter Pro-DS, FabFilter Pro-MB, FabFilter Pro-Q 3, Brusfri, Manipulator, kHs Haas, kHs Bitcrush, kHs Distortion, kHs Flanger, kHs Ensemble, LFOTool, OTT, CamelCrusher, Black Box Analog Design HG-2.