I Got It (Original Mix) - Travisfaction - Scraps Audio
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I Got It (Original Mix)

Bass, House, Tech House

Regular price $10.00

Artist Bio:

  • Genre: Bass, House, Tech House
  • BPM: 127
  • DAW: Ableton 11.3.13
  • Key: F Minor

Note: We verify each listing to ensure that not having the same plug-ins will not significantly alter the track.

Sylenth1, Serum, Endless Smile, Ozone Pro, Shaperbox, STING,

I duplicated the tracks with plugins that people may not have before flattening to audio so that way if they do have those plugins, then they can still unmute the original MIDI track and see exactly how the synth was used. And the audio is still flattened for people who don't have them.

Project File (Ableton)
All Project Samples (.wav)
All MIDI Sequences (.mid)
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